It's true. I've been
dooced. Now, now, don't worry. I haven't lost my PAYING job cuz of this blog YET. I did, however, get politely let-go as the primary photographer for Ted's sister's wedding. Apparently, Ted's mom hired a professional photographer. While I don't think it's because she read about
my anxiety regarding the gig on my blog, I can't help thinking that my writing that post somehow released to the universe the knowledge that I am in fact nervous about photographing a once-in-a-lifetime event, and the powers-that-be somehow got wind of it.

Lauren and Doug still want me to take some photos, just not as the primary photographer. That's okay, I guess. But I know from experience that if there's a professtional in the house, I get all intimidated and I don't pull out my camera as often or at all. I think I feel like if there's someone there getting paid to take professional photos, it would be presumptious on my part to think I could take any photos that would be worth shooting beyond what the pro captures. The exception to this was Caleb and Kathy's wedding, where I did shoot quite a few photos, but I think that was out of blissful ignorance of my own shortcomings.

I have to admit I'm relieved that I don't have to worry about missing important moments such as The Kiss any more. That's the pro's job, in my opinion. I WAS gonna tell Doug to make it an extra long kiss to give me a better chance of getting the shot, but now I guess it doesn't matter. Heck, now that I think about it, I'm relieved that there WILL be someone there who knows what they're doing. That frees me up to take my artsy-fartsy photos which I'm sure the parents wouldn't appreciate. Now all the pressure's on the pro, and if all my shots come out crappy, which is a distinct possibility considering my lack of experience and equipment, then thank goodness they hired someone else.
Still, I can't help feeling a little stupid for running out and buying that D50. Oh well. I guess I do need that camera for my 50mm lens. I'm just glad I found out before I spent our savings on extra batteries, memory cards, expensive post-processing software and a new laptop to support said new software. I had planned on telling Ted it was about time we got new computer equipment, but now that I don't have this wedding to worry about, I suddenly don't feel all that anxious about it. That'll save us at least $1,200. When Ted hears that, I'm sure he'll be thrilled I got the boot from this gig.