Love Thursday--From the Heart

It's been a rough few days. First, I lost my cellphone at the park Saturday morning. Then I sliced my finger Saturday night. Then on Monday morning, I thought I lost my wallet and missed my early train to work. I then learned that someone had found my cellphone and used it to send 90 text messages and make 50-some calls. Tuesday morning, I fell flat on my face (almost) while crossing the street and I twisted my ankle and shed some more blood. I couldn't walk and I missed the early AND late trains and had to drive to work on a morning when the Edens was two hours from the Kennedy junction to Lake Cook (usually less than 20 minutes when there's no traffic). Wednesday, I had an allergy attack that lasted the whole day (and is still going on as I type this), and I basically didn't stop sneezing the whole day. And these were no sissy sneezes. I'm talking side-and-ear-splitting sneezes that made the windows rattle.
On the bright side, I found that the lovely skirt I bought for Cadence at the thrift store a couple weeks ago has an ADJUSTABLE WAIST, so I got it to fit just right on her. Not only that, a shirt I found at a different thrift store last month matches the skirt perfectly. And the whole outfit goes great with white socks in black sparkly shoes.So while my body is one big lump of pain and discomfort, I have to admit that putting this outfit together made my day. Simple pleasures, folks.It's Love Thursday, folks. Go check out all the love on Shutter Sisters.