Three Thoughts Thursday--This Hiatus Brought To You By A Flippin' Migraine

So instead of sharing my deep thoughts, I am participating in Tracey's Thursday Theme, which is HEAT, something a good portion of our country has been experiencing in waves lately. Things have cooled down in our neck of the woods the past couple of days, but Sunday was a scorcher. I thought it would be a good idea to cool Cadence off with some water play. Unfortunately, I was too lazy to run out to actually buy a bonafide kiddie pool.
Luckily, we had just the right sized storage container that could do the job. It was perfect for Cadence and some of her rubber friends.Cadence liked her "swimming pool" just fine.
There was lots of splashing going on, fer sure.
She liked it so much, in fact, that she got quite pruny.
Go see how other folks are dealling w/ the heat on Tracey's Picture This.