Tell Another Joke At the Ol' Choppin' Block

We had our first chance to taste the fruits of our labor this weekend with the first delivery through our CSA, Scotch Hill Farm. Oh, the yumminess! It really DOES make a difference to eat produce that's been locally grown and freshly picked.And just in time for our first CSA delivery, I took a knife skills class with Dave and Becki at The Chopping Block Cooking School in Lincoln Square. It's no secret that I am a disaster in the kitchen and in need of some serious help. I can't tell you what a source of shame and embarrassment this is for me, considering Ted comes from a family that has some mad kitchen skillz. One of the things we want to do w/ our CSA delivery (which we're sharing w/ Dave and Becki) is to cook a meal together regularly with our goods. Sort of like Slowfood, I guess. I wish I could say that the knife skills class bestowed on me some actual knife skills. Unfortunately, the muscle memory apparently can only kick in if you actually use the muscles involved in the skills. That would mean lots of practice for me.
I foresee a lot of stir-fry in our future...