Best Shot(s) Monday--Too Sick to Show My Face

Hope I didn't totally gross out your Monday. If you want to recover, go visit other folks' Best Shot Mondays over on Tracey's Picture This.

Hope I didn't totally gross out your Monday. If you want to recover, go visit other folks' Best Shot Mondays over on Tracey's Picture This.
But here's a funny little incident that occurred around the dinner table this evening.
Ted: I think I want some i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m...
Cadence: Yeah! I want some ICE CREAM!!!
(Ted and I look at each other in amused horror)
Ted: Cadence, what does i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m spell?
Cadence: ICE CREAM!!!
I guess we're gonna have to brush up on our Pig Latin...
We've been pretty spoiled in that Cadence has been this sick only a handful of times. Normally, she gets a runny nose for a day or two, we pump her w/ homeopathics and breastmilk, and she's usually back to normal. I knew when that high fever hit her Monday night, we were in for a bit more drama this time around. Plus, I don't think she's getting as much breastmilk as she used to, which is why I find myself, the mother of a 3 year old, taking an herbal galactalogue [in case you're too lazy to click on the link, a galactalogue is something that promotes lacation, e.g. breastmilk production]. I'm probably overreacting, but with the cold season coming up, there's no way I'm stopping breastfeeding now. Maybe by the time she's 4 years old, she'll allow us to perform nasal irrigation on her, but for now, I need all the ammo I can get in fighting the notorious bug season in Chicago, which only seems to get worse over the years as the bugs beget stronger and more-resistant-to-everything bugs.
Well, I hope Cadence doesn't get any worse, and I have to keep in mind that this will only boost her immune system for the future. Whether Ted and I make it through the bug unscathed is yet to be seen...