Sick Central

It's been flu central here in our household. Ted got us started last week. I thought I had a mild form at the same time, but apparently I was mistaken, as the full-blown version hit me a few days ago, and it's pretty much been non-stop misery every since. I was hoping Cadence could avoid the whole ordeal, but she came down w/ a high fever last night, and has been sleeping on and off all day today. We've resorted to feeding her all-natural frozen juice bars to keep her from dehydrating. If the fever doesn't break by morning, I'm afraid I'll have to take her to the doctor, and lord knows what other bugs we'll pick up while there.
My mom came over on Saturday while Ted was at work to play with Cadence and to make us some chicken soup. Apparently, she picked up the bug earlier this week when she was over here on Wednesday, and she woke up this morning pretty sick. I feel bad that we got her sick, but SHE feels bad that she can't take care of us while we're sick.
The flu outbreak in our area is out of control. Take care of yourselves out there...