funny in a sad way...or is it sad in a funny way?

Conservative Christians Boycott Wal-Mart.
ok, at reading just the headline, my initial thought was, 'finally! conservative christians doing something sensible!' and then i read WHY they were boycotting wal-mart: the radical homosexual agenda.
i cannot tell you how much that makes me laugh every time i hear a christian use that phrase. it makes me laugh so hard until i cry and then evenually i just weep inside.
i cannot post on this subject coherently at this time as i would like to maintain some semblance of sanity for all the family events coming up this weekend. i have never 'come out', so to speak on my personal blog about my thoughts on this, (although i have been posting aplenty elsewhere) primarily because i don't want to upset or worry some people i care about. but i think it's time. i've got to come clean. more on that later...
for now, i officially start my thanksgiving extended weekend. no more work until tuesday at noon! cadence's uncle charles and auntie ali are coming in from seattle, and i plan on enjoying myself.

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