two words for you...

...cold. migraine. been sick pretty much the whole holiday weekend and beyond. our whole family's been sick, actually. i'm afraid we may have passed on our germs to uncle charles and auntie ali who were visiting with us. i seem to be suffering from a meaner, nastier strain of the cold virus than ted or cadence as i have nearly hacked out a lung and given myself a migraine from all the coughing, while the other two have mainly runny noses. my head feels like it wants to explode. i'm actually blogging with my sunglasses on because i can't stand to look at a computer screen. so this is going to be a short one....although being sick put a damper on the weekend, it was still lots of fun having charles and ali with us. it's always sad to see them go because we know it'll probably be another year before we see them again. next time they see cadence, she'll be talking in paragraphs....cadence loved all the family time she got to spend during all the festivities. despite being sick, she was playful and happy most of the time, although her sleep got severely disrupted for a couple days when there was just too much excitement for a proper nap.
okay, i'm getting really nauseous, so i should probably stop now...
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