Friday Confession

Happy weekend, everyone!
Happy weekend, everyone!
Now I have to figure out how the hell to move all my posts over to the new site...
It's pretty well-known the harm one can do oneself by leaving a careless trail on the internet. I don't think this blog is anything to be ashamed of, but now that Cadence is getting older, I wonder if we'll ever get our anonymity back? I deleted a link to my blog from my Flickr account ages ago when some sicko was going around favoriting photos of other people's kids, but let's be honest. If you wanted to find me, it wouldn't be too hard.
Also, what if I ever have to look for a job? A lot of employers google prospective employees to see what dirt info they can dig up.
These are just random thoughts right now. Someday, I may be going anonymous...I'll let you know though if that happens. Ha ha. Because becoming anonymous requires letting all your friends know.
For the girls and women of Sudan who fear being beaten or raped every time they fetch water.
For the women in the U.S. Armed Forces, who are regularly subjected to sexual assault while those in command look the other way.
For those who have been imprisoned by the U.S. government and TORTURED (just f*cking admit it, GW, it's TORTURE) so that we in the U.S. could be free to plunder the earth and revel in our gluttony.
For the familes who have been separated by the 38th parallel in North and South Koreas, and who may finally be reunited someday soon.
For those who are denied basic civil rights because of whom they love.
For those who have hidden behind false identies and lived in the shadows and in self-hatred all their lives out of fear of rejection and persecution.
For those who live in countries where it is a crime punishable by death to be who they are openly, and for those who live in countries where they are supposedly free to be who they are, and yet who are still punished by death.
For Buddha.
For Jesus.
For Gandhi.
For Dr. King, Jr.
For Matthew Shepard.
For all of you, for Cadence, and for me too.