Wedding Bells

Ah, yes...The bride and groom. They both look lovely, eh? Vikki is Ted's cousin, and we happen to be pretty fond of her so we were thrilled that she found a great guy like Mike. He's got quite the romantic streak that is already becoming legendary in this family. I took a ton of photos, which can be seen in my Wedding Flickr account if y'all are into wedding photos. As you can see, Cadence had a blast. She tore up that dance floor like you would not believe. For Three. Straight. Hours.
I did post some of my favorite photos from the wedding on my personal Flickr. This is a slideshow so I don't have to post a 2-mile long post to share these with you.
I'm currently at the Metra station. My shuttle bus missed the train, so I thought I'd do a little post (thank you, LF Public Library). It's been nonstop party in our household since Friday night, and it ain't over yet. Ted's sister Lauren has been staying with us since Saturday night, and the Sibs are going out again tonight. There is a snowstorm headed our way I hear. Thank goodness I'm back to my old schedule of working from home on Wednesdays...
That's the short and sweet scoop around here. Keep warm and safe, y'all.

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