Talk to the Screen

Joe (from Blue's Clues): What's YOUR favorite part of bedtime?
Cadence (to Joe): I drink ma-ma-ma!*
*ma-ma-ma is Cadence's word for boob/nursing/etc.
Well, I guess it's good to know how much 'ma-ma-ma' means to Cadence. Lord knows no one would get any sleep around here without it. And don't worry. She does know how to sleep without it. But if she doesn't have to, why should she? I think we forget how young almost-three really is. Anyhoo, this post really isn't about extended breastfeedng. I just happened to hear Cadence say this while we were watching some tube together, and so I was just making a quick post cuz I thought it was so funny. You kinda had to be there. And most likely you kinda have to be me to really appreciate the humor of it all, I guess.

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