I'm Back! Plus Wedding Photos Part Uno

That's right, folks. I survived the wedding extravaganza week, and I'm almost back to my everyday life, which would include this blog, of course. I've been editing photos during every moment of my free time since the wedding on Saturday, and I finally have something to show you all. I took over 1,000 photos, and of these I kept a little over 400 from the wedding day itself. I've posted all these to a different flickr account, so if you want to have a look-see at ALL of them, you can mosey on over here. Otherwise, I'll share some of the more memorable photos in this blog post. Excuse the lack of words. I'm tired.
Here's Lauren, the bride, getting her makeup done.
And here's Becki (Uncle Dave's fiancee) the maid of honor waiting to get her hair done.
I thought this was a cute one of Lauren saying something to the girl styling her hair.
And Becki's all done.
Lauren's friend made those flower barettes.
And now we're at the church getting dressed in the bathroom.
Here's what the bodice of the dress looked like. Lauren had it made in Sweden.
And here's Becki's lovely dress.
And here is the bride's bouquet. The colors of the wedding were red and orange (for Rouge Douge and Orange Loren).Here's me being artsy fartsy.
Here's a good view of Becki's dress. I think her mom's friend made it for her.
I didn't really take photos during the ceremony, so here they are moments after being married. The ceremony wasn't the kind that would've allowed me to move around much to take photos. The professional photographer basically planted his tripod and stayed put for most of the ceremony. I figured if he wasn't moving around, I wasn't going to either because I felt self-conscious of my very small lens.I didn't partake in the family photos, either. I kind of hung around, but I know it's distracting to have two photographers taking photos for posed shots so I didn't take very many photos, except of folks just standing around, like Uncle Charles here. I was kind of disappointed that the photographer didn't do very many family shots. Maybe it's cuz I'm Asian, but I was hoping for a really big family photo. I think I was in only one of the posed photos (the sisters-in-law), and Cadence wasn't in any. But after visiting the photographer's website, I'm glad because the photos I saw on there were kinda scary. We may need to be photoshopping the professional shots...This is one of the few photos of Cadence I took the entire day, not to mention the entire week. She was half-asleep already.And here are the newlyweds going off to the reception in their limo. I have no idea how Ted's dad scored a stretch limo 2 days before the wedding.This one may be my favorite photo of the day. Grandma Sophie had a blast blowing bubbles. She is a total HOOT to photograph.Alright. I'll end it there for now. More later!

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