Three Thoughts Thursday #1

I'm starting something new around here. I'm calling it Three Thoughts Thursday, and it should be pretty self-explanatory. Three thoughts. Posted on Thursdays. I was gonna make it Thirty Thoughts Thursday, but once you read my first thought below, you'll see why I changed my mind. For the record, these thoughts will be of the Deliberately Random sort, so don't be expecting a dissertation on the failure of postmodernism to address the specific needs of mommybloggers or anything of that sort. If it's erudition you seek, go somewhere else.
Oh. And the photos will be just as DR* as the thoughts.
*Deliberately Random
#1--I've been thinking lately that I'm getting dumber as I get older. Is it mommyhood? Am I just not reading enough? Or is it early-onset Alzheimer's (which happens to run in my family on both sides, yippe-aye-ay)? I used to toy with the idea of going back to school someday when we're independently wealthy so that I can become either a lawyer or a librarian, but now I'm thinking I won't be able to hack it. Maybe I'm just lazier, not older.#2--I think that Brown and Pink might be the best color combo ever. Why? Because it immediately brings to mind Chocolate and Strawberry ice cream, side by side, just the way I like it. If you throw in off-white, you'd get Neapolitan, which is okay, except that I prefer to ignore Vanilla and just go straight for the Brown and Pink stuff. Cadence is the same way.#3--I think it's about time I emerge from the Dark Ages and got myself an mp3 player. I've resisted the whole iPod revolution this long, but I'm finally surrendering because I really miss the rock 'n' roll. Since I take the train to work, I don't get to blare my car stereo very often, and I have fallen hopelessly behind on the exponentially-expanding volume of worthy music out there. The thing is, I have no idea which mp3 player to get. I'd really like to be able to listen to the radio, cuz frankly, sometimes all I need is NPR and WLUW. I don't know if I actually need 30GB, which is the size of my laptop's entire hard drive. Oh, and if I could get one in brown and pink, I'd be like totally sold.
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