You're Invited To Cadence's...Weaning Party!

Actually, I have no idea when Cadence will decide to wean. But I got the idea of having a weaning party when she DOES decide to do so by reading this totally awesome article in the Boston Globe* about how more mothers are choosing extended breastfeeding with their children, and how a lot of these moms are not "earthy mama" granola types like some might expect. Cuz who else would be crazy enough to nurse a toddler/preschool/kindergartener/etc? (*gasp*! Did she just say KINDERGARTENER?!) Well, as it turns out,
"Those who stay with it [breastfeeding], particularly beyond 18 months, tend to be highly educated."Now, I love my crunchy mama friends, don't get me wrong (I think I have at least a bit of a granola streak in me), but I also don't want women to think that they can't keep nursing their babies because they're NOT so granola. Extended breastfeeding is for hippie and non-hippie alike. I especially think any mom who works full-time outside the home can benefit greatly from extended nursing because it is a great way to reconnect to your child after being away all day long.
Anyhoo, if you're curious about or disgusted by the idea of nursing a child over 12 months old, please read the article. It's very informative. I bet even Jesus wasn't weaned until he was at least of preschool age.
*In case the Boston Globe pitches this article, I'm saving a copy here.

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