I'm The Luckiest Girl On the Upper North Side

And why am I so lucky, you ask? Cuz I got to spend an evening out. At Uncommon Ground. With just girls. And not just any girls, mind you. I had the special treat of an evening with the inimitable Bella of Beyond the Map and Leigh of Mere Mortal. Although we had never met before last night, these two women have been a source of inspiration and hope for me in so many ways, through their words, their courage, their struggles, their honesty...
We talked and talked and laughed and laughed. I was surprised at how comfortable I felt, being the one who borders on social anxiety disorder. I mean, I really, REALLY had fun! Hopefully, we'll get to do this again, although Leigh was only visiting from Arizona. But Bella lives in Chicago. In fact, we're practically neighbors! Hopefully, we'll be grabbing lattes together at Metropolis often.

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