happy 2007!

can you believe we're almost into day 4 of 2007? 2007!!! i mean, it just doesn't seem that long ago that we were worried the world was going to come to a chaotic end as a result of the Y2K fiasco. i was thinking about that the other day, that the whole Y2K thing was probably some conspiracy to sell survival kits and create job security. it ended up being so...uneventful.
...anyhoo, ted and his siblings rang in the new year korean style by making the traditional new year's day dumplings called mandoo. yes, even uncle jay got his hands all floury and pitched in. we weren't quite sure what we were doing, and i had to make quite a few phone calls to my mom, but all in all, they turned out yummy. of course, i didn't find out until today that most koreans don't make their own dumplings any more because now you can just buy them premade in the frozen section of any asian grocery store. at least that's what my mom told me. i'm still glad we got our hands all gooey making our own slow-food style.after we ate our dumplings and we'd lounged around for a while, we went to metropolis for some coffees/chais/hot chocolates and hung out until dark. it was a nice, relaxing end to a low-key new years day.
so that's how we began 2007. it's hard to believe another year has gone by and that cadence will be turning 3 this september. i was just reading my friends michele and greg's family christmas letter which highlighted the past year month by month for their family. their daughter anna is exactly a year older than cadence, so it was interesting to think to myself, 'so this is what cadence will be doing in the coming year...' wow. we've got a big year ahead of us...
when you work full-time and have a toddler, it's really hard not to get caught up in the busyness of everyday life. to facilitate more mindful living, ted and i hope to continue simplifying our lives, getting rid of as much stuff as possible to minimize the potential for clutter, and consciously setting aside time for enriching activities like our hobbies or quality time together. when i think about all the stuff hidden away in boxes and crammed into cubby holes, i cringe...nevertheless, we've got to start somewhere, and i think i've been burying my head in the sand long enough.

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