63,072,000 seconds and counting...

my dearest cadence,
in a couple of days, you will be turning TWO YEARS OLD. it just blows my mind how quickly 730 days can fly by.
at this time, i will not recap your entire past two year history, as this blog has done nothing BUT that since your arrival on this planet, but i did want to commemorate your special day by emphatically exclaiming for all the world wide web to hear/read/whatever-you-call-it that “I LOVE MY CADENCE! I LOVE HER, I LOVE HER, I LOVE HER!!!” just think of that justifiably-much-loathed diamond commercial where the dude shouts out his love for his blushing wife to all the pigeons and passers-by in venice's st. mark's square, before he presents her with a huge-ass diamond anniversary ring that supposedly erases all the embarrassment he’s caused her up to that moment in time. that’s what i’m doing here. i hope it will erase all the embarrassment i may have caused you as i faithfully recounted for the whole world wide web these past TWO YEARS about your
your mama
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