
september seems to be a big month for birthdays. all them christmas babies, right? uncle dave's birthday was saturday, and ted's mom hosted a get-together at their place. it was just us, dave and his fiance becki, becki's parents, grandma sophie, and mom and dad. it was our first time meeting becki's parents, who were totally nice.
...cadence loves going to grandma/grandpa's house, especially if uncle dave is going to be there. she pretty much monopolized his attention from the moment we drove up to the house....she did take a few moments to try out cousin mackenzie's old tricycle, which we will be keeping at grandma/grandpa's since we can let her ride it there without fear of cars running her over....for most of the evening, though, she was pretty much glued to uncle dave's side. it's so cute watching her lead him around by his finger. she started doing this with grandpa too, and by the end of the evening she would yell out 'ay-pa, where are you? ay-pa?!' it's nice to see her getting attached to her grandpa. i know some of my favorite childhood memories are of my grandpa....needless to say, ted's mom who is the hostess with the mostest made a mouthwateringly delicious dinner. she made this cold cucumber soup that i absolutely must get the recipe for. even cadence finished her bowl of pasta and peas w/ marinara. and that cheesecake was totally yummy. i'm gonna gain a few pounds just thinking about it...i think everybody had a good time. becki's parents were charming and got along just great with everyone. i can see why becki is so sweet and well-adjusted. dave is lucky to have her, and so are we!some other september birthdays i know of are my friends connie (12th), caleb (15th), my cousin's boyfriend eric (19th), ted's brother charles (20th) and of course, our little cadence (24th). so happy birthday to all you september babies!
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