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our little crankymeister


...on sunday, cadence set a new household record for one’s personal level of crankiness. i’m talkin’ inconsolably crappy mood. so much so that we gave up on the idea of going to church because the mere thought of being in a public place with her in that condition was too overwhelming for me. i would’ve needed some tranquilizers and multiple melon balls to get through that one.

(ah, melon balls…remember melon balls, josh?)

so deceptively cute…

anyhoo, ted decided to clean up a storm at home, so in hopes that cadence would forget for a few minutes that she was in the foulest mood known to humankind, i took her to not ONE but TWO playgrounds. alas, i was so mad at her at this point, i didn’t even take my camera because i didn’t want to record any part of that day for posterity.

swinging with dada

yeah, these photos were taken last week, BEFORE i knew what a crankenstein my little bundle of joy could be. hard to believe, ain’t it?

hopefully, sunday will be an exception to cadence’s usually sunny personality. i suppose it comes with the territory of parenthood, and i really can’t complain. we all have our bitchy days. it really is a sign of how happy cadence usually is that we were so blindsided by just one day of crankiness. and she’s already done so many adorable and sweet things since sunday, that i’m already starting to forget how bad it really was.

cadence’s vocabulary is expanding every day, it seems. she says words that i didn’t even know she knew. for example, when our neighbor’s dog started barking the other day, cadence looked at me and said ‘it’s a goggie.’ i didn’t understand what a ‘goggie’ was, but the next time there was barking, again she repeated, ‘goggie!’ and i realized that’s her word for ‘doggie’. she had never tried to say that word before, so i was surprised that she retrieved that from her memory bank.

and then last night, cadence started pointing up at our desk and saying, ‘bubbo! bubbo!’ again, i had no idea what she was talking about because she’s never used that word before. and then i saw that she was pointing at a bottle of bubbles. i couldn’t believed she remembered what that was because we’d never blown bubbles from that bottle since we moved 5 months ago.

her favorite thing to say (or yell, rather) these days is ‘it’s a COOOOO!’ as in ‘it’s a clue!’ whenever she sees anything that resembles a pawprint. this is a reference to the kid’s program Blue’s Clues, which unless you have regular exposure to preschoolers you have no idea what i’m talking about. anyhoo, we don’t have TV reception but we do have a few Blue’s Clues DVDs which she LOVES. so much so that we’ve decided to wean her off of the boob tube as much as possible before we do permanent damage to her psyche.

well, ted’s been busy getting our home in order. we got a new computer armoire for our dining room (which cadence liked hiding in until actually put our computer in it) so that we can turn the 2nd bedroom exclusively into cadence’s play room. the plan is that someday, SOMEDAY, cadence will sleep in there as well. preferably before she turns, oh, say, age 5.

we'll see...

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