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...cuz you can't get enough of a toddler named CADENCE playing the drums! ok, it's really a practice pad...but our downstairs neighbor is on vacation, and ted's setting up the kit today! we'll have to get some footage of the little one on a REAL drumset.
...how is it that one day i had a cute little chubby baby like this...
...and a couple blinks later, THIS is what i've got on my hands??!! amazing, isn't it? cadence and i have been looking at old videos of herself when she was a few months old. she looked like such a blob back then. i mean, she was cute and all, but compared to the so-very-aware kid she is now, she really was more of a blob than a person--a very captivating and adorable blob, but a blob nonetheless. still, i sure do miss those days when i could cradle her in one arm, when a mere smile from her was enough to melt my heart, and the sound of her unintelligible cooing was music to my ears.
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