getting settled...

...well, we're getting settled into our new home...i've unpacked most of our CDs at least...cadence is having a fine time toddling around the place...we've been so busy, i'll be lucky if i get all my christmas shopping done...and it's just so damn cold out there these days that i really don't feel like leaving our cozy home......cadence will be 15 months old on saturday, and it's just amazing how much she's's like she became a whole new person now that she's walking...*sigh*...she's growing up so fast already! and she is so affectionate...on days when we get to wake up as a family, she leans over and gives me a hug and a kiss...then i tell her to give dada a kiss and she turns over and gives ted a kiss too...she loves playing with stuffed animals...she takes them by the hand and leads them around the house...and she gives them big hugs and smoochy kisses often...she can count to two ("wah, boo!") and her favorite phrase these days is thank you, which she enunciates very well for a 15 month old...if she sees a picture of a flower, she will sniff it and then give it to you to sniff as well...she loves to share her cheerios, although sometimes she'll actually put the cheerio in her mouth after offering it to you...she does the cutest little butt wiggle and bouncy-bouncy dance to her favorite tunes...and when she says in her adorable little voice, 'mama? mama? mama?' all my troubles melt away...
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