first blog entry from the new home

well, we’re moved in the new place now…it was quite an ordeal and took quite a bit of labor on the part of a number of people…thanks to lauren for shoveling the alley and providing the delicious chai and apple crumble in ADDITION to moving tons of stuff…thanks also to our bros david and jason and jim and our friends olarn and brian and keom and dave norton and connolly…it took every bit of their help to get our stuff moved…i just hope we never ever have to move in winter again…
i was worried about cadence during the move because she’s been sick and a bit clingy…my mom came over to watch her while we were loading the truck, but she didn’t want to play with my mom…she wanted to see what was going on…so i slung her on my back with my ellaroo wrap, and she was happy as a clam in there for the next few hours until we were ready to leave for the new place…she even got to nap in there, which was great, because we’d destructed every surface that would be suitable for baby to lie down on…i don’t know what i would’ve done if i didn’t have that sling…
we’re just settling in now to our new surroundings…the place is so huge compared to our old apartment that i’ve already lost my cell phone…i’m pretty sure cadence hid it somewhere…
speaking of cadence and cell phones, she’s taken to crank calling people with my phone…last week she called my cousin jeannie in california…a couple days ago she called a guy named bill and it turned out to be none other than bill mallonee…he got a kick out of that, and it’s always nice to talk to bill…i think he was inside a cracker barrel restaurant…i’m gonna have to go through my phone book and delete phone numbers for folks i definitely DON’T want cadence to call, or it could get a bit awkward…
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