My First Photo Exhibit!

I've been so busy that I forgot to tell you all that I've got my first photo exhibit opening this Saturday. It's not a formal gallery show, but it's in the space for Wicker Park Grace which is a cool lofty building in the Wicker Park/Bucktown area. They're doing a fundraiser Rent Party with live music, food and drinks for $15 this Saturday in their space at the Acme Building at 1741 N. Western at 8pm. My photos are going to liven up the space for the event and stay up for another month or so. Two of them will be sold in the silent auction, and the rest (another dozen maybe) will be up for sale with 50% of sales going to benefit Wicker Park Grace.
You can read more about it here.
Also, if you'd like to give input on which photos should be included in the exhibit or auction, please go to my Flickr account and leave your comments. If you don't have a Flickr account, you can always email me at shutterbugmama[dot]com[at]gmail[dot]com. I've narrowed down the selection to a couple dozen (thanks to those of you who've already commented, by the way).
Like I said, it's been really busy around here, but the most important part is that Ted's back home. Yay!
And here he is looking more like a trucker than ever. And proud of it, too.tagged