It's been a busy weekend and then some around here. I took a lot of photos, and I'm just too plain tired, busy and lazy to say much about them, so please excuse me while I let my photos do most of the talking.

Saturday night. Berry UMC Accessibility Project. think/dance collective. Kick-Ass.

These ladies are doing something really cool.

And their musical selection was absolutely top-notch. From John Cage to Imogen Heap to Anathallo to Half-Handed Cloud and more. And I hear Liz, the artistic director, is working on a piece to Maggie's Farm (by Bob Dylan). THAT I want to see.

After think/dance, it was their siblings/friends Anathallo's turn to perform.

This was my first time seeing
Anathallo live, although Ted and Tim and gang have opened up for them.

They've got quite the following, selling out shows left and right on their recent west coast tour.

And it's no wonder, as they play a kick-ass show, complete with synchronized dance moves.

And yes, Erica IS the only girl in the band. Lucky her! She also has this one dress with princess cap sleeves that I totally confess to coveting...Not that I'd fit into it or anything.

Shoes were apparently optional.

Our friends Jenn and John and their daughter Ada joined us for the show. The girls enjoyed their all-ages show.

They also enjoyed a greasy bag of BBQ pototao chips. The perfect snack for a hot, humid day! (Uh, NOT!)

Cadence loved running around on the beach and stepping all over people's artwork. Thank goodness my brother Jim showed up cuz I sure as hell wasn't gonna chase that little sprite around in that heat and humidity.

And because a dance performance, indie rock benefit show, and outdoor festival show weren't enough, I went to see the
Get Up Johns at the Red Line Tap last night.

These guys are a close-harmonizing, traditional-country-crooning, fiddle-and-mandolin-and-guitar-toting duo from St. Paul, MN. It's just absolutely beautiful music, probably one of my favorite genres.

They're also good friends with my friend Caleb, whom they will be seeing on their current tour eastward.
So as you can see, things have been quite busy around here. It's taken a toll on us all.

Cadence has been taking these long, late naps around dinnertime, which means she's up until all hours of the night. It's so hard to keep an exhausted toddler from falling asleep. She actually crawled into bed and went to sleep by herself in this photo. I was wondering why things were so quiet, and by the time I realized what had happened, it was too late. She was sleeping like a rock. Hopefully, tonight she'll fall asleep at a decent hour, cuz Lord knows her parents want their bedtime back.