So the show Thursday night...was pretty damn long. Sticking to the green theme of the occasion, I took the 22 Clark bus to the Metro. Public transportation is an amazing thing, folks. I am thankful to live in a city that has it, even when it's pretty f*cked up at times.

There was a lot going on. For one thing, there were like a half a dozen acts on the bill. My lovely kickass friend
Miss Mia was the host for the show. Okay, I'm just gonna summarize with a some photos cuz it's like way late and I'm still exhausted from last night.

This is Imelda de la Cruz. She was one of the winners of the Audio Emission contest to get her song on the i-go Compilation CD that will be in every i-go car.

This is the winner of the Hip Hop category, Animate Objects. I realize the photo doesn't show the whole group. That's not the point. The point is that this is an awesome photo and it took great skill to take.
Actually, it was totally an accident. Anyhoo, moving right along...

So there was actually a lot of time to kill in between sets. I used that time to people watch, of course. I spent a lot of that time spying on the Windy City Rollers who were at the show apparently as the hired dancers/rabble-rousers planted in the crowd. They seem like an awesome bunch of women. Damn. Roller derby. Another way I could totally get brain damage. Actually, I had no idea who these women were until this really hip-looking totally hot Asian girl (Shoot. I totally forgot her name. Sheena? Shawna? Dolores?) asked me if I knew who those women were and could they possibly be the Windy City Rollers? Then I remembered hearing that they were supposed to be there, and that's exactly who they turned out to be.

I suppose I could've somehow gotten to the "green room" to schmooze with my friends in the Detholz! but I suck at the schmooze so I kept myself occupied by taking a lot of really stupid photos and making up stories about the people around me and looking like I was totally content being alone. Which I was, actually, because that's how I generally operate when at shows with the purpose of taking some photos in addition to enjoying the rawk. I know, I know, I'm so antisocial.

The band that played before the Detholz! was called
Palliard. Their influences are good old fashioned traditional country/blues and probably alcohol, and they sure do put on a good show.

Dude. They had not ONLY an upright bass, but a PEDAL STEEL GUITAR as well. If they'd had a banjo, I would have totally swooned.
You can see a slideshow of all the Palliard photos here.

Detholz! were definitely worth the wait. I haven't seen them play live since they invited me out to their Urbana show w/ Wilco, which was over a year ago.

I have to be honest with you. I'm not totally thrilled with the photos I took. It was a learning experience, however, and I am still determined to convince the folks at Pitchfork to let me bring in my camera to the festival. God forbid I have to watch Sonic Youth and Cat Power while armed with only my Point 'n' Shoot.

The Detholz! setlist was largely new to me, although they did some of their oldies-but-goodies. It was as frenetic a show as ever.

Jim (Mr. Frontman) does stuff with his body that makes me concerned about his internal organs, and he did at one point end up a sweaty convulsing mass of flesh at the feet of his audience. I'm really not sure how he kept his flip-flops on through it all.

Speaking of flip-flops, the crowd was pretty docile (for a Detholz! show), but this here lady did hit Jonny AND Jim with her flip-flops towards the end of the show. I think she was "with the band."
You can see the rest of the Detholz! photos here.
You can see ALL the photos from the entire i-Go Audio Emissions CD Release Party here.

Oh! And I did finally get to meet in person my mutual lurker friend Elaine! We're totally gonna have coffee one of these days and laugh about all the dirty little details we know about each other's lives.

I also got to see my friends Derek and Linda Becker (Derek
manages/books the Detholz! and many other fine bands). They're another couple of friends I really need to see more often, and outside music venues for a change.
Anyhoo, it was past midnight by the time I finally got home. Oh, and look! It's past midnight now! I'm totally done here, y'alls.