The Busiest Weekend EVER Part Uno

So I started a post to fill y'all in on the weekend, but you know what? I give up. I'm hopelessly behind as it is. There was way too much going on. Can I post some photos and a few remarks instead? Oh wait. It's my blog. I can do whatever the heck I want. I mean, I know that, in theory. I guess I just wanted to be polite...Anyhoo, bring on the photos!
Oh wait. I almost forgot to tell ya. I broke my main lens. The 18-55mm kit lens that came with my D40. I dunno what i done to it, but it won't focus any more. I guess I better send it in for repairs now, but I'm worried I won't have it back in time for Lauren's wedding. The Nikon repair folks are so SLOW...I could probably borrow one if I needed to, but still...My main lens! What am I gonna do for now? I've been using the 50mm mostly this weekend, but that means I have to use my D50, which has its drawbacks...*Sigh*...Anyhoo...Back to the photos...
Saturday late morning, after Cadence and I had already been up and busy about town for 5 hours, I met up with Carol (of Bokumbop), Janet (of HalfMama) and Geraly (of Mamazilla) and their lovely families and Glennia (of The Silent I) who was in town from Silicone Valley for BlogHer. These talented ladies write for Kimchi Mamas and Filipina Moms and various other blogs. I don't think I've ever seen so many hapa kids running around together at once. I gotta say, they were pretty darn cute! Considering my tendency to suffer from social anxiety disorder, I had a great time and felt really comfortable with everyone. We'll have to do this more often!After the meet-up, Cadence and I had to hurry home to clean and get ready to pick up Ted @ Trader Joe's so we could make (Cadence's favorite partner in crime) Rudden's 3rd Birthday party. As you can see, there was something buggy about this party. Rudden's mom Amy made those fabulous cupcakes!And here's the birthday boy himself. Looking mighty serious for a party. I'm sure it only lasted a moment...Oh, and look. Here's Cadence asleep at her best friend's birthday party. That's what she gets for refusing to nap in that tiny window of time we had at home before the party.Wanna know how busy I was? I was so busy I couldn't find Cadence's swim suit and had to settle for a-bit-too-small swim diaper.And here's Little Brother Jack, looking sweet and adorable as always. He LOVES when I point my camera at him!Ok. I think that's about as far as I'm gonna get for now. More later folks!