Best Shot(s) Monday--Like Being In Seattle

Check out more Best Shots Monday at Tracey's Picture This.

Check out more Best Shots Monday at Tracey's Picture This.
Some people were apparently there for the free goodies.
Some people were there to sit around and enjoy a cig or two or three dozen.
I'm sure others were there for the drunken debauchery that is sure to ensue at events such as this one.
Other folks just wanted to chill out.
Still other were there to be cooler than thou.
But me?
I was there for the Rock 'n' Roll, baby! Like, DUH!
The Chamber Strings, whose recent reunion and old and new material have garnered much press and praise, were totally f*cking awesome.Their songs are chock full of devastating beauty. You know--the kind of beauty that can silence a room and make your jaw drop and bring you to your knees as you thank God in heaven for being graced with that moment. Okay, maybe I exaggerate. But maybe not. You can find out for yourselves here, or check them out @ the Abbey Pub on Friday July 13th when they play with the marching band sensation Mucca Pazza (another Satellite band!). If I weren't going to Pitchfork Festival that night, I'd be there for sure. Heck, I may still try and make it.You can see all my photos of the Chamber Strings from Ribfest here. Some of my favorite live music shots, I have to say...
I would've been totally happy to see just the Chamber Strings that night, but no...We were also treated to the retro pop yumminess of Chicago's superband Baby Teeth. I haven't seen these guys play since 2004. And they've come a long way since then, let me tell ya.My friend Jim plays bass in Baby Teeth. It's a much different role for him than his other gig as the frontman of the Detholz!. Kinda like the difference between being an earthling and Klingon, I would imagine.Baby Teeth shows are a great place for a first date. Their music is such that your date won't be able to keep himself/herself from dancing. And chances are, if they start dancing with you, you'll get to hold his/her hand. And the rest could be history.If you don't live in Chicago but on the East Coast, you're in luck, as Baby Teeth will be doing their EC Tour the end of June through mid-July. Check out their shows page for more details.
And see more Baby Teeth photos here.
Cadence totally loved all the music and the crowds. She was dancing with herself and running around and charming everyone within visual range and having a grand ol' time.Heck, even Ted thought the music was great, which is saying A LOT considering that most bands these days bore him to tears.Anyhoo, the rest of the photos from ribfest are here. Good times, good times.