Best Shot(s) Monday--Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

I did an impromptu photoshoot of Cadence in her "new" vintage red dress while I was getting her dressed. The light was just right in her room, not that it matters so much when you're shooting raw and editing in Adobe Lightroom.Here's a full view of the dress. It's pretty short, as you can see. I had her wear it over a pair of jeans, and it works well as a blouse too.I'm kinda tickled at how good she's getting in front of the camera. Sometimes she runs, but sometimes she actually cooperates. She likes looking at the photos right after I've taken them. I've got a dozen and a half of these Red Dress photos, so if you wanna seem 'em all, the flickr set is over here.Speaking of that Red Dress, Cadence actually wore it to the Elizabeth Michell and Family show @ Ravinia on Saturday. In case you don't know, Elizabeth Mitchell, her husband Daniel Littleton and their daughter Storey have a series of kids albums that are THE BEST children's music you'll find in records stores these days. Their music is such a gift to true music lovers who do not want to have to resort to Barney or The Wiggles when it comes to listening to music with their kids. Cadence LOVES their music and sings along to all the songs now. I can't tell you what joy fills my heart to hear my daughter singing songs by The Carter Family and Woody Guthrie and Elizabeth Cotten, to name a few.We met up w/ our friends Ada and her parents Jenn and John at the show. They are also big Elizabeth Mitchell (and Ida, Liz and Dan's grownup band) fans. Our friends Felix and Zarah and their new son Asher were also there. Zarah is actually cousins w/ Dan Littleton, so they got special passes and all that jazz. When Z invited me to hang out with them after the show, however, I got too shy and declined. It kinda would've been like having lunch w/ Bono for me.
Anyhoo, rest of the Elizabeth Mitchell and Family show photos can be seen over here.
Check out more folks' best shots on Tracey's Picture This.
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