Best Shot(s) Monday--Busy, Busy, Busy.

Happy Monday, folks! It's been a busy shooting week for me, so I don't know how I'm going to pick my favorite ones. I guess I'll have to pick one or two from each shooting session.
This one is from the Memorial Day BBQ at our friends Jeff and Lena's. It's one of the rooms in their historic Victorian fixer-upper. There's a lot going on in this photo that may not be all that obvious upon a fleeting glance. Ok. I'll just leave it at that.While home with Cadence one night while Ted was out gallivanting, I got bored. I happened to look over at our mantel, and I thought to myself that I really liked our "grey" walls (they're really blue, but don't say that to Ted's face). I then thought, "Huh. That's mantel's pretty high off the ground. If I put Cadence on top of it, she'll most likely sit still." I don't know why I didn't think "Huh. That mantel's pretty high off the ground. If I put Cadence on top of it, she'll most likely FALL OFF." Just call me optimistic, I guess. Or a bad mom. Or stupid. Or all of the above.Anyhoo, I was bored and getting sick of watching the Sound of Music again, so I cleared all the junk mail and artwork off the mantel, stuck my handy dandy SB-400 on my camera, grabbed Cadence (who happened to be wearing nothing but a diaper) and plopped her down on the mantel. According to my timestamps on the photos, she was content up there for all of 4 minutes and 53 seconds.I love the negative blue space of the first one, and the layers of blue, white, brown and white in the 2nd one. I guess you can call this the birth of the Mantel Studio.
Well, the next day, I placed Cadence in our fake fireplace just underneath the mantel, and HEY! Guess what! Instant white background! You can call this one the Fake Fireplace Studio. I just love how Cadence's hair is sticking up here. It's most definitely post-nap hair (a.k.a. bedhead). I think I elaborated enough on my photoshoot Thursday night at the Metro in my previous post, so I won't post photos of the bands, but I did really like this one that I took of a couple who were watching the show in the balcony. People-watching at shows is really fun. Saturday we had Middle Eastern for dinner. Well, as you can see, Cadence went to town with the hummus. The interesting thing is that she generally doesn't play with her food and is one of those types who goes into hysterics if she gets a little ketchup on her finger from dipping her soy dog. I guess hummus must feel like beauty paste or something.So that's it folks. Sorry I suck at narrowing down the really good ones. I must be biased or something. Please go and look at other folks' Best Shots @ Tracey's Picture This.

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