Best Shot(s) Monday--Vintage via Ebay

Although I have found an excellent thrift store nearby for awesome kids' clothes at dirt cheap prices, I did recently get a couple of cool vintage stuff off ebay for pretty cheap.This is a dress probably from the 60's. I absolutely love the print. Yeah, it looks like it was made from drapes or something, but that's even cooler cuz Cadence ADORES the Sound of Music.The other ebay find is this vintage cycling shirt, which was perfect for our first family bike ride on Sunday. Doesn't Cadence look spiffy in her helmet?And here they are, riding away. For the record, that strap should be under her leg better, but we weren't going far, so no biggie. I'm not sure if we would be ticketed for riding like this. I don't know what the bike rules are in the city. However, I CAN say that this is probably safer than using a childseat, which usually throws the balance off on a bike. I really like this shirt. She looks great whether she's riding a bike or eating an apricot. I'm going to try and get all my 2nd hand clothes locally now, but I'm glad I found this one and the dress up there.
Visit Tracey at Picture This for other folks' Best Shots Monday.

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