Best Shot(s) Monday--A New Angle

So Tracey's theme for this week at Picture This is Diagonal Week. That's awesome, cuz I just rediscovered my inner crooked thanks to The Antibride, and it's added new freedom to my shooting.
I shot this series of Cadence singing and dancing yesterday afternoon. It's actually best seen in the slideshow version here. Just click the next button quickly, and you'll see Cadence perform her little dance. Cue the Do-Re-Mi song from the Sound of Music, and that's what the movie version would've been like.
Believe you me, having a DSLR makes a huge difference when it comes to shooting rapid shots.
It's like, holy cow! I hold down the shutter button, and *click*! Instant photo!
I love how she's looking over at me on this one.
And if you're wondering about the muted colors, it's because I screwed up the lighting and since I don't have Photoshop, this was the best I could do without turning Cadence into looking like a botched Self-Tanning job.Here's one with a little more color. Taken in lovely Morton Grove, IL.

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