best shot(s) monday--yay! warm weather!

...this is my pick for My Best Shot Monday for Picture This. as you can see, chicago was graced over the weekend with a respite from the bitter winter we've been having. ...luckily, ted took saturday off to extend his birthday celebration, so we got to enjoy the beautiful weather as a family. since we weren't expecting it to be so warm, we had originally planned saturday morning to take cadence to an indoor playroom near goose island, where we were going to go for lunch. fortunately, the playroom was closed for a private birthday party, so we were forced outdoors!...we were near our old neighborhood on the wicker park/bucktown border, so we headed to walsh park on ashland just north of wabansia. the playlot is fully exposed to the sun, so even though it had rained cats and dogs the night before, everything was pretty dry, and we just had to watch out for the mud in the grassy you can see here, ted and i enjoyed being out in the warm weather as much as cadence did. it's been such a dreary winter here in the midwest that we really needed a break....i believe the last time i got to take photos of cadence at a park was during thanksgiving weekend, over 3 months ago. i think it's safe to say that we've all been suffering from major cabin fever around here. i hear we're gonna have a gorgeous couple of days and then it's back to the reality that is a chicago winter......oh, well. at least we got a little reminder of how lovely chicago can be when the weather isn't giving us a thrashing. hopefully, spring will choose to show up in MARCH, when it's supposed to, and not in MAY, as is typical in chicago...

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