ENJOY parenting! i guess this photo would explain why she's been studying elvish!
after that serious post from yesterday, i thought i'd lighten things up a bit. yes, parenting is hard work blah blah blah, but when we start becoming the parents we want to be, we can really EJOY PARENTING. and to go along with that, i've got a new website i just found called just that:
enjoy parenting with scott noelle
i highly recommend signing up for his daily groove, which is his almost daily inspirational notes on parenting.
...we had one of those nice mornings with cadence today. i had the day off for president's day (thank you, george washington!), so we went out for breakfast at pauline's in andersonville. it's a breakfast/brunch joint that we've driven by every sunday on our way to church for over a year, and we finally got to give them a try today. ...i have to admit that i'm usually not up for going out to eat with cadence because it can be so stressful when she starts screaming and wanting to wander around. this morning, though, she made no complaints when we put her in her high chair, and happily played with the little individual jelly containers by stacking them like blocks or making different shapes with them, and proudly declaring 'square!' or 'ing-ingle!' she cleaned her plate, which is unusual, and everytime she got a forkful of blueberry pancake w/ strawberry jelly into her mouth, she would lean over at me and proclaim, 'i did it!' she only fussed a little bit towards the end as we were leaving and had to put away her toys, but overall we had a lovely time. it's days like this that make it all worth it...
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