Public Service Announcement: This Blog Is Moving

Well, maybe. We'll see. I'm working on it right now. I'm targeting 1/1/2008 for the big move. If you want to be notified of the new URL when the time comes, send me an email to sarah[at]sarahjanerhee[dot]com with "Don't Leave Me Hanging" as the subject. If you are a lurker, please don't be shy. Oh, who am I kidding. If you're too shy to delurk, just check out Tracey's Picture This on the first Monday of the New Year (which is New Year's Day) and you will find me somewhere in the comments. Since it's not so much that I'm worried about someone stalking me or my family as I am about future potential employers finding this site, I really don't care if everyone who's reading this now figures out how to find my new domain. I just want to be a little more guarded in the future in case I ever change companies and since Cadence is getting older.
I was going to move this blog to WordPress, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to transfer all my posts, not to mention my comments. So instead, I'm going to just switch the URL on Blogger and pray that everything transfers over properly. If anyone has experience doing this, I'd appreciate any advice you may have.

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