keep your more to receive your less

it boggles my mind that i am monetarily richer than more than 99% of the world.
i'm not a red hot chili peppers fan, but i think it's time to 'give it away, give it away, give it away now...'
so here's what i'd like y'all to do...leave me a comment or email me with organizations that you think are worthy of donations and why.
on the flipside, if you've got the money, it may be easy to give (to alleviate guilt) and still not lift a finger (except to click on the DONATE button) to help another person. i'm not saying that giving to charities is wrong, of course not. what i'm saying is that for me, it's not enough. what can i give of myself--my time, my talents, my sweat and tears, not just my money--to alleviate someone else's hunger, pain or loneliness? so here's part B of my request to my readers. leave a comment or email me with suggestions for things that i can DO to make a difference beyond giving financially, including things that can be done with cadence as a family.
whether you're a capitalist, communist, socialist, A-list, C-list, F-list, the inequities of wealth distribution on a global level are not something to sneeze at. i know that being in the top 1% of the global monetary food chain does not equate to being better off than 99% of the world. there's economic mumbojumbo that makes things complicated. what remains is the fact that you and i could have just as easily been born into brothels in india or a drought-plagued village in africa. we didn't deserve to be born into relative wealth, just as those in dire poverty didn't deserve to be born into their desperate situations...
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