i will not raise my daughter as a christian...

…no, cadence will not be raised with a christian heritage. and i know that will worry some of you, but i am so fed up with some people who call themselves christians right now that i would be ashamed for her to be raised with such a detestable legacy. you see, it was the behavior of these such “christians” that caused my teddy to declare yesterday, ‘that is why i am NOT a christian.’ thanks, guys. thanks a lot. all that i’ve done trying to show my husband that not ALL christians are legalistic bigoted narrowminded homophobic greedy environment-trashing sexist rude pricks has been for naught.
i really feel sorry for these elitist holier-than-thou fuckers who are so busy excluding from their association those whom they deem unworthy. what are they going to do when they find themselves in heaven and discover that God is so much more inclusive than they are? will heaven become hell for them? and i just don’t find it very convincing when you say that you don’t have a problem with someone’s lifestyle and then you say that you don’t approve of any of their decisions these past couple years. like why the fuck does a grown woman need YOUR approval? that's like mandy moore hitting jena malone over the head with a bible and screaming, "i am FILLED with christ's love!" in the movie saved!
i am pissed off right now, in case you haven’t noticed. this is one of my biggest pet peeves—people calling themselves christians who show no evidence except for the fact that they go to church and do quiet times and pray before their meals but who don’t hesitate to make other people (who don't also do all these things) feel like shit. come to think of it, i think that’s the exact definition of a pharisee, those people jesus called a brood of vipers and sons of the devil.
don’t get me wrong. i fully intend on sharing with cadence who god is to me. her life will not be entirely devoid of faith or church or even the bible. but i won’t hide from her all the imperfections either, and i will hope that she learns to think for herself and choose her own path in the journey of faith without having one shoved down her throat. and if there’s one thing i will teach her early on about following christ, it will be that there is never, ever any excuse for exhibiting spiritual arrogance by belittling someone else.
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