goodbye, summer...

...and HELLO, FALL! woohoo! it's mid-september, and you know what that means. it's gonna be hoodie-wearing, hot tea-drinking weather soon, and i can't wait! it's actually been rainy lately, but i know that we can soon look forward to cool, crisp sunny autumn days. ...not much going on around here. cadence has been singing a lot lately. her favorites are twinkle, twinkle, if you're happy and you know it, and row row row your boat. she can actually sing most of the correct lyrics and a semblance of the melody. i think i need to find her a music class so she can sing and dance to her heart's content.
speaking of music, ted and tim and the gang are playing tonight at schubas. they are opening up for the emo boys from wheaton, sleeping at last. we're meeting up w/ ted's parents and local siblings and their significant others for dinner before the show tonight. it's an all ages show so i'm taking cadence (any my baby hawk, of course).
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