shiny happy autos

sunday was a about as busy a day as we can get. we met with my fellow mommyblogger friend carol of bokumbop and her husband and adorable 11-month old son for lunch at a peruvian restaurant called ay ay picante. carol is korean and her husband is peruvian and they are both quite the experts on peruvian cuisine. the food was yummy, although an enourmous platter of ceviche (basically raw fish marinated in lime juice and spices) is probably a bit much. i was interested to learn that in peru, asians are not that much of a minority, and that when carol visits there, people assume she's peruvian.
...after lunch, we stopped by a birthday party for the 2 year old son of ted's coworker. we were only there for about 45 minutes before we had to leave to pick up uncle dave to go out to the 'burbs for grandma day. cousin vikki's sister connie was in town from iowa w/ her son perry and husband ben, so we were able to see them at grandma sophie's too.perry is a couple months younger than cadence, and the last time we saw him, he was barely walking, but now he was running around, counting to 10, dancing, repeating everything his mommy was saying, etc. it's so much fun watching these little ones grow up. cadence always looks forward to grandma day because she gets to see vikki's daughter mackenzie (a.k.a. 'eh-zie'). it's so cool that she's old enough to remember people enough to want to see them again and to ask about them.
anyhoo, it was quite the busy weekend, and now i'm tired. my throat started hurting on my way home from work today, and it's gotten progressively worse this evening. i wonder what my chances are that this will not turn into a full-blown nasty cold...
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