16 months and going strong...

...so yesterday was our little cadence joy's 16 month birthday...i just can't believe how fast time it marching on...she just keeps growing and doing new things and amazing us all the time...
...she loves looking out the window every morning and watching the cars and people and dogs and trains going by...she often waves and says 'bye' or points to the little people and says 'baby!' cuz i guess they do look pretty little from our window...
...she looks adorable in pjs, and she enjoys sitting in her own little chair with one of her friends to keep her company...in addition to cheerios, she now also loves raisins and sunflower seeds...she will eat pasta with tomato sauce like there's no tomorrow, and she LOVES chocolate ice cream and strawberry wafers and clementines...
...she plays well with others, but still cries if we leave her in the church nursery...her favorite playmate is her daddy, of course, but she does get to play with a few other kids at church on sundays, and we also went over to visit her little friend ada grey who lives in our neighborhood...
...one thing's for sure...she LOVES yacking it up on the phone...she will pace around the house talking to her "friends" occasionally laughing big belly laughs, and other times being all serious and business-like...i think she talked to my mom for a full 5 minutes the other day, which is a long time for a little baby with such a short attention span...
...she also loves to dance and sing...she'll start boogying when we're out and about and she hears a song she likes...one of my favorite things about her these days is when i spy her playing alone and singing happily to herself...
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