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post christmas update

well, happy week after christmas, y'all! hope it's been a merry time for everyone and that your homes have been filled with peace and joy and love and laughter and not necessarily a bunch of stuff you don't need or want...

new red boots

...cadence got a bunch of neat presents...like these red boots to match her snowsuit as well as like 5 other pairs of shoes...

yay markers!

...she also got some neato markers and a coloring book from her auntie ruthy...luckily, these markers will only show up as color on the special pages of the coloring book that came with the markers, so she can draw all over those nice white walls with 'em if she likes...

her own chair

...one of cadence's favorite gifts is this overstuffed chair that we ordered from san diego...it's just her size, and she loves it! as soon as we took it out of the box, she climbed right in and sat down...

the schoenhut

...the most anticipated gift has to be her new 3-octave schoenhut upright piano...we've had it for weeks in the box because we wanted to see it for the first time on christmas morning...we all love it, and it sounds just so magical...

christmas morning bedhead

...this was the first christmas morning together as a family in our new home, and it was lovely...we opened most of our family presents together and left a few to take to ted's parents' for the big mass gift opening later that day...

more later...

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