Best Shot Monday--Love Notes To A City

When I read about this, my heart let out a resounding YES! I've recruited some co-conspirators, and I'm hoping that we'll be able to do this here in Chicago in the coming days leading up to Valentine's Day.
Here's what I wrote for my friend Tim to post on Facebook to gather more co-conspirators.
And for once, I will submit just this one photo as my Best Shot for the week. Feel free to join in the love in your own neighborhoods."Loneliness. Despair. Hopelessness. Depression. War. Fear. We are surrounded and bombarded by forces that would rob us of our joy of life, our sense of community, our faith in humanity, our hope in love. But what if someone were to plant words of hope, small tokens of love, in our dreams and hearts and waking life? What if, as we picked up the cream at our local coffeehouse, or grabbed that can of chicken noodle soup at Trader Joe's, or looked through the Nick Drake section at the record store, we found a note--an anonymous love note--maybe with a piece of chocolate even, and what if that little note contained the words we needed to hear to bring us one tiny step closer to wholeness? What if people in our city started finding these notes in random places left and right?
Think of it as Guerrilla Art. Think of it as Love in Action. Think of it what you like. If this resonates with that secret chamber in your heart that longs for something more in this life, join in the Love.
You can do this on your own, with family and friends, or with strangers. Some of us will be making a concerted effort to leave these notes w/ some chocolate at various places in our neighborhood during a couple days leading into Valentines Day."
Go see more folk's Best Shot's on Tracey' Mother May I.

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